Lindsey Lab welcomes Ben and Drew!

Ben, incoming PhD students joins our lab as a summer researcher. He joins us after obtaining his undergraduate degree in chemical engineering from MSU.

Drew, 4th year undergraduate in CSE and MATSCIE joins us this summer to work on GPU acceleration/optimization.

Welcome Ben and Drew!

Chi Izuegbunam  joins the Lindsey Lab!

Sayed headshot

Chi Izuegbunam, a second year CHE undergraduate student has joined our group. Her research interests include optimization of existing chemical processes to create more efficient and sustainable methods. She is particularly interested in use of computational methods to develop enhanced materials and techniques for process design. In her spare time, she enjoys listening to music,

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Sayed Ahmad Almohri joins the Lindsey Lab!

Sayed headshot

Sayed Ahmad Almohri, a first year CHE PhD student has joined our group. Sayed Ahmad earned his B.S. and M.S. of Chemical Engineering from University of Michigan Ann Arbor. His research interests include exploring the boundaries of science through novel technologies and scientific computing methods. He is particularly interested in particle and atomistic simulations, multiscale

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Melody Zhang joins the Lindsey Lab!

Melody Zhang, a first year CHE graduate student has joined our group. Melody earned her B.S. in Chemical Engineering from Purdue University. Melody’s research interests include understanding the scientific principles of particle systems and using computational methods to introduce breakthroughs in material design. She is excited to use machine learning and atomistic simulation to accelerate

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Yanjun Lyu joins the Lindsey Lab!

Yanjun Lyu, a second year MSE graduate student has joined our group. Yanjun earned his B.Eng. and M.Eng. of Materials Science and Engineering from Wuhan University of Technology and University of Michigan Ann Arbor, respectively. Yanjun’s research interests include application-oriented material microstructural design and the discovery of new materials. He has a passion for applying

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