Information Hub for Center Members
Ways to Get Involved
Become a Member
Any University of Michigan Chemical Engineering (CHE) or CHE affiliated faculty, graduate students, postdocs, or research staff may join. To become a member, simply fill out this form.
Join the Leadership
Reach out to the Liaison to the Director for opportunities to join the Student and Posdoc Leadership Team!
Submit Artwork
The center Research page (to be published) will features artwork from members’ simulations. Submit yours by filling out this form.
Sign Up for a Seminar
We hold once-monthly seminars featuring either two graduate students (30 min each) or one postdoc (1 hr), designed to expose members to diverse perspectives and provide a framework for receiving feedback from the broader center community. Presentation of both “complete” research stories and “in-progress” efforts are welcome. Sign up by filling out this form.
Submit Some News
Did you recently pass your DCE/TPE? Earn an award? Successfully defend? Secure a job/post-doc position? Win a ballroom dancing competition?! Let us know so we can show you off! Submit your news by filling out this form.
Courses and Programs
The following courses are likely to be of interest to center members:
- Fall 2023
- CHE 496/696 and MSE 593: Simulation of Condensed Matter Systems (Taught by Prof. Lindsey)
- Winter 2024
- CHE 696 and MSE 593: Applied Data Science for Engineers (Taught by Prof. Goldsmith)
You may also want to consider joining the following programs:
- Joint PhD in Scientific Computing through MICDE
- Graduate certificate in Computational Discovery and Engineering through MICDE
Award Opportunities
Awards related to Physics-based Simulation, modeling and Machine Learning
- MICDE Awards and funding opportunities
- J. Robert Beyster Computational Innovation Graduate Fellows Program
- AIChE Computational Molecular Science and Engineering Forum Graduate Student Award
- ACS Division of Computers in Chemistry Chemical Computing Group Excellence Award for Graduate Students
- ACS Division of Computers in Chemistry Wiley Computers in Chemistry Outstanding Postdoc Award
- ACS Division of Computers in Chemistry Undergraduate Poster Award
- ACS Division of Computers in Chemistry COMP Image Competition
- ACS Division of Computers in Chemistry Peter Kollman Graduate Award in Supercomputing
- APS Division of Computational Physics Travel Award (for students and postdocs)
Upcoming Conferences and Workshops
- Midwest Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics Conference (in Ann Arbor!)
- Foundation on Molecular Modeling and Simulation
- US-Central CECAM
- GRC on Computational Materials Science and Engineering