Home of CSiDIR-CHE

Welcome to CSiDIR-CHE

The Center for Simulation and Data Intensive Research in Chemical Engineering 

The University of Michigan Chemical Engineering Department is unique in its large number of computational faculty working at the nexus of physics-based simulation/modeling and machine learning. CSiDIR-CHE aims to capitalize upon this to cultivate students and postdoctoral trainees who possess a broader yet deeper grasp of the tools available to them than they would otherwise obtain in their own respective groups and position them to become scientific leaders in their careers that follow. CSiDIR-CHE also endeavors to cultivate a sense of community among the computational student, postdoctoral, research staff and faculty population through activities aimed at enhancing equity and inclusion and exchange of ideas.

CSiDIR Events

Student and Postdoc Summer Seminar Series

Design collections help you launch any simple or complex website with curated collections of beautiful page sections and layouts. Interested in giving a seminar? Contact us here!

Brown-bag Workshops

We will hold twice-monthly workshops/office hours led by senior graduate students and/or postdocs. These events are designed to foster academic discussion and sharing of valuable research insights within our student community. Interested in leading a session? Contact us here!